Curriculum Vitae
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Education: | "Diplom" in Biochemistry, University of Tübingen;
| PhD., University of Munich
Positions: | Assistant, University of Göttingen
| Habilitation in Biochemistry, University of Göttingen
| Associate Professor, University of Würzburg (1988 - 1994)
| Since 1994: Full Professor (C4), University of Cologne; Chair in Botany
Awards: | Heinz-Meyer-Leibnitz prize for Research in Photosynthesis (1981)
| Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz prize of the DFG (1996)
Duties: | Editor of FEBS Letters; since 1993
| Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences Göttingen; since 2002
| Chairman of DFG-Graduate College:"Molecular Analysis of Developmental Processes in Plants"; since 1997
| Chairman of the „Section Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology” of the German Botanical Society; (1997-2002)
| Member of the Board of Trustees of the German Botanical Society; (1998-2002)
| President of the German Botanical Society; since 2003
| Member of the Central Selection Committee of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation; since 1997
| Member of the Scientific Advisory Boards of the "Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Gatersleben"; (since 2001) and of the "Center for Plant Molecular Biology, ZMBP" University of Tübingen (since 2004)
| Member of the Grants Committee on Collaborative Research Centres (SFBs) of the German Research Foundation (Mitglied des DFG-Bewilligungsausschusses für die Angelegenheiten der Sonderforschungsbereiche); since 2003
| Chairmen of the Committe for the Intermediate Examination in Biology (Ausschuss für die Zwischenprüfung im Fach Biologie); since 1996
| Chairmen of the Strukturkommission „Biozentrum“; since 2000